Hopefully wherever I end up employed will have lots of nice, fun people to be friends with. I'm usually pretty good at making friends. You know, after I hate them initially. I judge people so harshly. I have no idea where that comes from.
I threw my camera in my purse a week or two weeks ago, to remember to photograph my food so this blog serves the purpose it was intended for. Yeaaah. Still haven't taken any pics. Piiiiyiiiics.
You should be able to tell that I am 1) lonely and 2) bored. I wish I could go to the gym. I suppose I could. I'm just trying to let this rip heal back over. Stupid Stephanie. You're a mess.
Is using a dog as a dumbell/weight some kind of animal cruelty offense? He seems okay with it generally.
I need to now sort the clothes laundry. Towel laundry is nearly done. It's the clothes laundry that's important. Or... importante. I
So we're all in the know, I switched my Pandora to the FLO RIDA station. And never fails, dude... I feel like going out and dancin'. Even though I look real lame when I dance. Like a white girl who sucks at dancing, which very accurately describes me.
Anyway. I'm okay. I need to choose to write here when things are good, too. Not just bad. Otherwise I look like a sad sod. That's a Grandma Queenie classic. Sad sod. Another is "he doesn't have a pot to piss in," which refers to someone who isn't wealthy. Or even average. Really it means broke-ass guy, but it sounds so gross. British. They come original.
Aw, sweetie, I hope things turn around soon. That rip sucks!!! I know the not going to the gym thing is killing you. :(